
Monday, May 2, 2011

Mystery & Crime Fiction Blog Carnival - May 2011

It is the first Monday of the month - time for another highly anticipated Blog Carnival. Below is the line-up. Click on the title or author's name to go to that link.  

If you are looking for the Spring Blog Carnival, it is the post just prior to this one - scroll down and you will see it.

Police Procedural / PI Book Review

Booking Mama reviewed the legal mystery The Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly.

Avid Reader reviewed Blood Country by Dan Jewell

Reactions to Reading reviewed Bound by Vanda Symon: A fast-paced, engaging and credible story and even the ending did not disappoint (a rarer thing than it should be).

Booking Mama reviewed Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson

Mike Dennis reviewed Kiss Her Goodbye by Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins:  Mike Hammer is back.  It’s the 1970s. He’s a lot older now, a little mellower, and far more world-weary.

Booking Mama also reviewed A Lesson In Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear

Avid Reader reviewed Blood Country by Dan Jewell and said it is an entertaining detective mystery with an intricate plot and complex cast of characters.

Fair Dinkum Crime reviewed The Tower by Michael Duffy: Promising start to a new Australian crime fiction series with an almost true-crime feel.

Booking Mama reviewed Guilt by Association by Marcia Clark

Reactions to Reading reviewed Bruno, Chief of Police by Martin Walker: thoroughly engaging and surprisingly thought-provoking novel that I recommend to readers (or listeners) of any sort.

Amateur Sleuth / Cozy book Review

Booking Mama reviewed Mourning Gloria by Susan Wittig Albert

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed An Uninvited Ghost by E.J. Copperman

Booking Mama also reviewed To Have and To Kill by Mary Jane Clark

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed Blast From The Past by Toni Kelner

Booking Mama reviewed Devil's Food Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke

Thriller/Suspense Fiction Book Review

Reactions to Reading reviewed What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn: My favourite book of the year so far. It might even be my favourite book of the decade. Or the century. Or …you know…of forever.

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed Bad Moon Rising by L.F. Crawford

Author Interview

Ebook Endeavors gives us the post Can a "Normal" Author Make a Living E-publishing?

Avid Reader gives us an interview with Thacher E. Cleveland

#####Let's make next month's Carnival even better. For more information on the specifics of the Carnival and how to submit your posts go here. #######

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like some good links! Thanks for including my e-publishing article in your carnival. :)
