
Monday, September 19, 2011

Libraries and Hurricane Irene

Today I am spreading the word of a situation that blogger Kate Messner alerted her readers to. This news has even made it to NPR.  Hurricane Irene did a lot of damage and has left many families worse for the experience. Irene also caused severe damage to small rural libraries - the children's sections specifically.

I know that everybody has tightened their belts and libraries have been hit hard. During a crisis like hurricanes, books often bring comfort momentary escape from the situation to children, which makes this loss even worse. If you can help, even be sharing this with friends or family, please do.

From Kate's blog:

Quick How-to-Help Info: Several libraries have lost their entire children’s sections due to flooding in Hurricane Irene, and we’re teaming up with independent bookstores to help them rebuild. Want to help? Either send a check to the library OR call the bookstores. They’ll help you choose a book based on the library’s needs and will store it for them until they’re ready, or you can donate to a gift card for the library.
To help the West Hartford Public Library in Vermont

Send a check to:
West Hartford Public Library
P.O. Box 26
West Hartford, VT 05084
Contact local independent bookseller The Norwich Bookstore at 802-649-1114. to purchase books and/or contribute to a library gift card.

To help Wells Memorial Library in Upper Jay, NY

Send a check to:
Wells Memorial Library
P.O. Box 57
Upper Jay, NY 12987

Contact local independent bookseller The Bookstore Plus at 518-523-2950 to purchase books and/or contribute to a library gift card.

On October 22nd, they’re going to host an evening reception where book lovers of all ages and members of Lake Placid’s vibrant arts community can come purchase books for the library.  It’ll include author/illustrator appearances and (we hope) a silent auction of original art from children’s book illustrators.   

Authors and Illustrators may also donate signed books and original art for an October fundraiser. Send an email to kmessner at kate messner dot com.

Authors: If you’d like to donate a signed book, that would also be most welcome!  Please mark clearly on the envelope “FOR SILENT AUCTION”

Here’s the bookstore address:

The Bookstore Plus

2491 Main St

Lake Placid, NY 12946


Here is the link to the original post (Click Here).

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