
Monday, November 28, 2011

Do you give books for gifts?

For cyber-Monday I was looking for the "I'm Buying Books for the Holidays" blog that ran in 2008 and 2009, but alas, it is no more.  I really liked the idea of promoting book buying which helped the publishing industry, authors, and artists while giving a great gift of reading.   I love giving books for gifts, maybe as part of a gift basket with teas or along with another present.  The gift of reading is something that keeps giving lifelong.
What I did find was this fantastic idea from LibraryThing called SantaThing (click here).  If you aren't familiar with LibraryThing, a reader's social networking site, it is free to sign up and fill your library with what you have read, join groups, write book reviews, and join this book swap.  The folks at LibraryThing have made it very easy.

You pay into the SantaThing system—this year $10, $15, $20, $25 or $30. You play Santa to a LibraryThing member they pick for you, and choose books for who you get, based on their LibraryThing library and a short description. Someone else (secret!) does the same for you.  If you pay $20 you will get the same amount in return so the processes is equitable.

LibraryThing does the ordering, and you get the joy of giving AND receiving books! LibraryThing makes no money from this even though they are facilitating the administering of the program.
You can sign up as many times as you like. You can sign up for yourself or for someone else, like a child. If you sign up for someone without a LibraryThing account, make sure to mention what kinds of books they’d like, so their Secret Santa can choose wisely.

Deadline to sign up:  December 1
Ordering books: December 4 - 9

I jumped on board, signed up, paid what fit my budget, and filled out my interests in reading for whoever will be my Secret Santa.  I am actually excited to pick books for whoever I get.  

In all the holiday sales and rushing, this is simple and easy with that touch of mystery since you don't know who is buying for you.  I guess little things tickle me. 


  1. I'll buy childrens books for my nephews and niece, but not really for anyone else. Unfortunately, I seem to be among the minority of people I know. Most don't enjoy and/or won't read. And I'm not going to use my money on a gift that won't be used.

  2. It is sad there are so many who don't enjoy reading. I know for myself, and probably for you Jo, reading brings a world of wonder and entertainment. At least your nieces and nephews apparently enjoy books :-)

    I grew up in a family that read and discussed the books at the dinner table. I suspect that influenced me to a large degree.

  3. I love giving (and receiving!) books as gifts. I've already got several stashed in my super-secret hideaway pending gift wrapping.

    I like the idea of SantaThing...just wish I'd heard of this earlier.

  4. Vicki,
    You still have time to sign up. It is all done electronically so you don't have to do any physical shopping. Just sign up, pay what you can afford, when you receive the name of your person select what books to have sent to them. You have until Dec 1 to sign up.

    I just hate for you to miss out if you like the idea.

  5. Oh this sounds like fun! I wish I had read this in time. I definitely will try and do this next year :)
