
Monday, October 7, 2013

Mystery & Crime Fiction Blog Carnival - October 2013

It is the first Monday of the month - time for another highly anticipated Blog Carnival. 

Please help the newsletter for the blog carnival to get more subscribers.  If a blog reviews mystery/suspense/thrillers (even occasionally) then I would like to feature those reviews.  I send the newsletter out once a month announcing the deadline for submitting to this blog carnival.  Multiple entries from a blog are welcome. 

Subscribe to our carnival reminder mailing list

Now on to this month's blog carnival.  Click on the title or author's name to go to that link.

Police Procedural / PI Book Review / Legal

Mysteries and My Musing reviewed A Serpent's Tooth by Craig Johnson 

The Crime Scene reviewed Detective Inspector Huss (Irene Huss #1) by Helene Tursten and shared "An enjoyable read from Sweden."

Booking Mama reviewed W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton

Carstairs Considers reviewed Deadly Heat by Richard Castle (Nikki Heat #5) and shares "The latest tie in to the TV show Castle is another exciting read."

Amateur Sleuth / Cozy book Review

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed Mortal Arts by Anna Lee Huber

A Date with a Book reviewed Diva Takes the Cake by Krista Davis

A Date with a Book reviewed Mai Tai One On by Jill Landis

Booking Mama reviewed Gilt Trip by Laura Childs

A Date with a Book reviewed Final Catcall by Sofie Kelly

A Date with a Book reviewed Designed to Death by Christina Freeburn

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed Bran New Death by Victoria Hamilton

A Date with a Book reviewed September Fair by Jess Lourey

Carstairs Considers reviewed A Spoonful of Murder by Connie Archer (Soup Lover's Mystery #1) and shares "A disappointing series debut"

A Date with a Book reviewed On the Slam by Honor Hartman

A Date with a Book reviewed The Double Wedding Ring by Clare O'Donohue

Thriller/Suspense Fiction Book Review

Mysteries and My Musings reviewed Murder at Hatfield House by Amanda Carmack

Booking Mama reviewed Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda

Tea Time with Marce reviewed Creep by Jennifer Hillier and shares "It is dark, sexy and edgy suspense."

Added Extra
NaNoWriMo "Pre-Game Kick-off" at The Write Shadow October blogging challenge (you can start any time in October) with a free manuscript evaluation as the grand prize (up to $1,000 value). (Click here)

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A huge "Thank You" to all the wonderful bloggers out there who contributed to the carnival.  Keep them coming.

Let's make next month's Carnival even better. For more information on the specifics of the Carnival and how to submit your posts go here.

Submit your blog entry for next month's Carnival here: (

Spread the word far and wide!!!

Post a widget on your blog for this carnival here (

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