"Perfect for readers looking for a darker twist on Bridgerton, this first in a vibrant, inclusive historical mystery series from an acclaimed author Vanessa Riley portrays the true diversity of the Regency-era, as an aristocrat whose skin color and notorious family history have left her with few friends she can rely on is named as the prime suspect in a murder case…"
Author: Vanessa Riley
Copyright: Aug 2022 (Kensington Books) 338 pgs
Series: 1st in Lady Worthing Mysteries
Sensuality: Adult topics, otherwise mild
Mystery Sub-genre: Historical cozy
Main Character: Lady Abigail Worthing, Scottish & Jamaican, is married to a Lord who stays at sea
Setting: 1806, London England
Obtained Through: Library
Book Blurb: "Discovering a body on her property presents Lady Abigail Worthing with more than one pressing problem. The victim is Juliet, the wife of her neighbor, Stapleton Henderson. Although Abigail has little connection with the lady in question, she expects to be under suspicion. Abigail’s skin color and her mother’s notorious past have earned her a certain reputation among the ton, and no amount of wealth or status will eclipse it.
Abigail can’t divulge that she was attending a secret pro-abolition meeting at the time of the murder. To her surprise, Henderson offers her an alibi. Though he and Juliet were long estranged, he feels a certain loyalty to his late wife. Perhaps together, he and Abigail can learn the truth. . . . Abigail, whose marriage was not a love match, knows well how appearances can deceive—and how treacherous London’s high society can be. Yet who would have killed Juliet, and why? Taking the reins of her life in a way she never has before, Abby intends to find out—but she may uncover more danger than she ever imagined . . ."
MY Thoughts:
Abigail, Lady Worthing, joins the ranks of historical amateur sleuths giving us a mixed race young woman who is a delight but a little bit of a troubled soul. I found her a woman of substance that I would love to sit with and have deep coversations. Cousin Florentina is a math minded wiz and Abigail's closest friend. Mr. Neil Vaughn, her godfather, thinks of her and Florentina as his own children and seems a mysterious man who is protective of those he loves. The next door neighbor, Stapleton Henderson, the recent widower, has the most obvious motive to kill but Abigail finds herself investigating alongside him. He holds everything inside and is hard to figure out. To lighten things a little is Teacup, Abigail's terrier that only lets Abigail touch him, until Henderson.
There are plenty of suspects as Juliet Henderson had several men and she had more secrets than lovers. This had a good twist to make this a wonderful mystery. The climax was well done and the wrap-up left me stunned. Kudos on that. It left me wanting to immediatedly jump into the next book which is a goal of every author but not often achieved. I'm a fan and will be reading the second shortly.
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Rating: Near Perfect - Buy two copies: one for you and one for a friend.
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You had me at Bridgerton