
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Book Giveaway: A Witch In Time By Madelyn Alt

-  Winners of THE BOLT FROM THE BLUE by Diane Stuckart are *drumroll please* Kaye (Pudgy Penguin) and Edna!! And the crowd goes wild with deafening applause.  They have been notified and should be sending me their mailing addresses.

- If you have enjoyed this blog, then PRETTY PLEASE vote for this blog as best Entertainment Blog (proving reading is entertainment) and also as best Hobby Blog. Thank you most sincerely. There are voting buttons on the sidebar too. You will have to register with Blogger's Choice, but it is a simple process. I am listed under

-  I have been doing a gradual makeover for the blog.  I hope you like the new banner and sidebar labels.  I haven't figured out how to get a label on my profile or the followers section yet.  I am undecided on the signature though, what do you think?

Now for the next book giveaway - A WITCH IN TIME BY Madelyn Alt that I reviewed just last week.  The publisher has provided one (1) solitary hardback copy to go to a lucky winner.
Same rules as last time.
How to Enter:

*** First, you must be a member (follower) of this blog.***

All entries are to be in the comments for this post (or possibly in an email.)

I will stop taking entries for this giveaway Friday March 19 at midnight and will announce the winner Monday the 22nd.

For each point you earn you will have one entry in the random drawing. There is a chance for 5 points total for each contestant and thus 5 entries each.

+1 for leaving a comment with your correct email information. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your email in a comment, please email me your information at: mysterysuspense1 at gmail dot com.

+2 for posting on your blog about this giveaway with a link back, please supply link to your blog post in the comments

+1 for adding this giveaway to a side bar of your blog with a link back, please supply link in comments

+1 for tweeting about this contest, please post link in comments

Comment/email example:

+1 here is my email address so you can notify me I won _ _ _ _ _ @ _ _ _ .com

+2 here is the link to the post I did on my blog for this giveaway ( giveaway hurry)

+1 for adding this giveaway to my blog sidebar (

+1 here is the link to the tweet I did on this giveaway (

Thank you for participating and good luck!
Thursday we will be back to our normal schedule.



  1. Hi!

    I would love to be entered into the competition, I read your review and it sounds great!

    I love your signature by the way - it's so cute and suits the blog nicely!

  2. I have read the review and would really enjoy reading this book.

    I follow by google reader.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  3. I love Madelyn Alt's series and would be thrilled to win a copy. I follow your blog on Bloglines, but just signed on through Google.

    marlyn at socal dot rr dot com

  4. This sounds good! Please enter me!
    Thank you!

    +1 here is my email address so you can notify me I won
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

    +1 here is the link to the tweet I did on this giveaway

  5. Sounds like a great idea for a book. Please enter my name.

    +1 here is my email address so you can notify me I won

  6. I'd love to enter. I'm a follower of this blog.

    You can email me to tell I've won at: janezfan(at)yahoo(dot)com


  7. I just became a follower of your blog.
    Please enter my name to win - I love Madelyn Alt's books.

    My email address is

  8. 5 Entries.

    +1 I've heard about this book and am very interested in reading it.. love mysteries!

    wakeupangel at gmail dot com

    +2 Blogged here-

    +1 Added link to giveaway in my sidebar under the blogroll .

    +1 Tweeted here-

  9. The book sounds great. Please enter me in the contest. I am a follower of your blog.

  10. this sounds great thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

  11. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.

    I follow via Google

    +1 Tweet

    eswright18 at gmail dot com
