
Monday, April 9, 2012

National Library Week April 8-14

This week is National Library Week, so check with your local library and see if they have any special programs going on.    Growing up, I relied on libraries for entertainment (books to read) as well as research materials for school.  In college, it was one of the places I spent most of my time with friends, studying.  As an adult I am always running to the library.  If you haven't gotten to know your library and all it has to offer your community, maybe this week is a good time to check them out. 

I personally can't imagine life without a library.  Besides all manner of books and reference for all ages, they provide free movies, books on CD, magazines, computer time for those searching for jobs, often they have meeting rooms.  Often the local library provides English as Second Language resources.  Our library even sponsors local artwork showings. They are a valuable community resource.  But, sadly public libraries across the nation are suffering from crippling budget cuts. 

Does your library have a volunteer program or a "Friends of the Library" program that allows citizens to help out?  Consider giving some time to your library to ensure they will be flourishing for future generations.  We can't afford to loose them!

Here is a quote that puts a whole new importance on libraries.  "It is a great tool of dictators and tyrants, who want to get masses of people to do what they want, to make sure there are no libraries...The fact that there was no public library in Rwanda is one reason why genocide was possible."  Stephen Kinzer, author of A Thousand Hills:  Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed it.

Thriller writer Brad Meltzer is the ambassador for this year's National Library Week.  This short video gives his pitch for libraries.

Here is the branch of my local library I go to most often.  

I love my library.  How about you?  Share what your local library means to you.

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  1. I work in the library so it means my job. ;p

    Seriously, though.

    I've always loved the library. I volunteered over a 100 hours as a child, have scoped out the libraries everywhere I've lived (even during my brief stint abroad), and went to library school.

  2. I've had mixed emotions about my library in the past. Living in a college town it seems there are never any books without having to go through the entire hold process. However, I love the new ebooks borrowing and am grateful for that.

  3. I love the hold system. I can go online and put in my request. If I am busy I just have to run in and grab any books from the hold area and I am on my way out. It is interesting that I don't mind the hold system, I actually appreciate it, while others find that irritating.

    Holds will become more prominent as libraries buy fewer copies of books to stay within limited budgets.
