
Monday, April 18, 2016

Guest Post - Duffy Brown

Welcome the main character of the Cycle Path Mysteries to our little slice of the internet.  She will be discussing the dilemna of hiding a body she was faced with in the recently published book Braking for Bodies (review-click here).

Thoughts on Hiding a Body from Tourists
Duffy Brown

Evie Bloomfield here and it’s been a great summer on Mackinac Island...if you don’t mind a dead body or two. None of us especially my BFF Fiona liked this particular dead person so that’s not the problem. What is a big issue is what to do with the body so that it doesn’t scare off the tourists. We can’t just leave it there in front of the Grand Hotel, that will scare the bajeebers out of the guests and they’ll leave!

If there’s one thing all of here on the island do not want to happen is that! Our little chunk of land that’s a time warp back to the 1800s really relies on the tourists who we affectionately...or maybe not so much... call fudgies.

So our problem is where can Fiona and I get rid of that pesky old body so the tourists don’t know there’s a murderer afoot? I have a few suggestions and you can tell me which one appeals to you. Keep in mind all of these suggestions require strapping the body to a bike or renting a horse and buggy as Mackinac is without cars!

My first suggestion is to hide the body in Arch Rock. There’re enough bushes there to conceal the corpse and if anyone goes snooping they’ll have to snoop really hard.

Or I could shove the body back in Skull Cave. That place sounds a lot scarier then it is and the cave is actually too small for much stuffing. And there’s the likelihood that the fudgies will think it’s an island attraction, they think everything around here’s an attraction.

Then there’s Fort Mackinac. I saw a pit up at the fort where they put the bad soldier guys back in the day when such things were done. Maybe I should dump the body in there...till it started to stink and I don’t think that will take long.

Saint Ann’s Cemetery is a good choice for body dumping. Another body just fits right in. What’s one dead guy more or less?

Then again, Grand Hotel might work as a place to stash a body. I can just prop it up in one of those rocking chairs on that really looooong front porch they have. I can put a drink in his hand and he’ll look like a guy fallen asleep.

Or maybe I should just push the body off the East Bluff and into Lake Huron. I can weight it down with some rocks. Glug, glug, glug.

Or maybe I can push the body off Shepler’s dock or off the ferry on the ride back to the mainland?

Where should I get rid of the body? Mackinac Island is a great place for more than eating fudge. Some people have a drop-dead good time here and wait till you see where I actually do hide the body. You’ll loooove it!

Hugs, Duffy Brown

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THANK You Ms. Brown for that thought provoking topic!  Where indeed to hide a body.


  1. Gee Duffy, if I really needed to hide a body I have two pros I can ask. One is my son in law, an NYPD officer. The other one is my younger son who works for an adjunct agency of a certain Federal Agency. He has great ideas on the subject. Last but not least are my three older and slightly twisted older brothers. They are all Viet Nam Vets so you know they'd come up with something creative. LOL LOL Mwa Haa Haaaaaa

  2. Hi, Nora! Holy cow, they should be the ones writing mysteries but they sure wouldn’t be cozies. And I bet they know tons of ways to get rid of a body. When I get stuck on where stash the corpse I’ll call you! LOL
    Hugs, Duffy
