Mystery Air Plant by Augury
Crispin made a surprised sound, but before he could respond with a question, the door flung wide. Crispin shot to his feet and blocked the woman from the unknown intruder.
A ginger-haired boy dashed into the room, slammed and bolted the door, and rested against it, panting. He looked up at Crispin through a mane of curled locks. Riotous freckles showed darker against his bone pale skin.
"Jack!" Crispin put a hand to this throbbing head. "What by God's toes are you doing?"
"Master," said the boy. His gaze darted between the girl peering around Crispin's back and then up to Crispin again. "Nought. Nought much."
Crispin glared at his charge. Jack Tucker was more trouble than any servant had a right to be.
"Angelica sighed theatrically. "Yes, Angelica Miles. Soon to be published, I might add. Penguin Books, Easy-Does-It Cooking, twenty-four ninety-nine - available on June first."
It was Tricia's turn to roll her eyes. Much more information than anyone needed to know.
She leaned against the counter stool and listened as Captain Baker took Angelica through the same set of questions. His demeanor was just so different from that of his boss. If the circumstances were different, she decided, she might even like him.
"And why was it you hired Ms. Fredericks?" Baker asked.
Finally, the question Tricia had been waiting to hear answered.
Angelica sighed, looked over to Tricia for a moment and then turned back to the captain. "I figured it would keep her out of my garbage."
Baker blinked in disbelief. So did Tricia.
"Of course, " Angelica continued, "I had no idea someone would actually kill her and put her in my garbage cart."
"Wait a minute," Tricia siad, leaning forward. "What do you mean, 'Keep her out of my garbage'?"
Angelica shrugged. "She came by every day - after closing, of course - and poked through my cans to see what she could salvage."
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Winners for the giveaway of A TOAST TO MURDER are Stacey, Rae Reads and Laura Ann Dunks. You should have received an email requesting your mailing address, if not please contact me. CONGRATULATIONS. Check out the new book giveaway. I am so behind on my reading - so you benefit!
I am giving away a grab bag of 3 books that the publisher has sent to me and I probably won't get to them. BUT a condition is that you PLEASE do a guest review of the book you receive to be posted on this blog - since the publisher sent these to be reviewed. You may also post on your own blog as well. Your post on this blog will give you credit as the guest reviewer and link to your blog as well. There are three individual books to be given away to three winners. These are advanced reading copies (ARC), so they don't have the full color covers.
* * * * * If you have enjoyed this blog, then PRETTY PLEASE vote for this blog as best Entertainment Blog (proving reading is entertainment) and also as best Hobby Blog. Thank you most sincerely. There are voting buttons on the sidebar too. You will have to register with Blogger's Choice, but it is a simple process. I am listed under * *
And...I had an older brother. We were rather a happy family... At first... Then at eighteen I went off to university and while I was there I got this frantic phone call from my mother. She said, your brohter Tim has just lost it. I asked her what she meant and she said, he's just lost it. And it was true. He'd suddenly come home from university ...At times I wanted to know why these wealthy elderly people had been killed and how it all fit together, but before long I just wanted to finish the book and read something happy. This is a very dark and depressing book overall. Characterization is a mixed bag, David Martinez is rather an insecure loner and Simon is single minded former alcoholic, but otherwise I couldn't really decribe them. I think an obvious setup in the book is Simon's psychotic brother who is in an asylum for murdering their mother clearly was going to be part of the plot and the mental illness somehow figured in too. But that was never utilized and I don't know why Simon had a psychotic murderous brother.
My parents realized my brother had a pretty serious problem - and they took him to a doctor, and they prescribed Tim the usual drugs. The wretched little pills. Antipsychotics. And they worked for a while...But one night when I was home for Christmas I heard this muttering noise and...and it was this voice....And I lay there wondering what to do. But then I heard this terrible scream and I rushed from my bedroom and my brother was in..." He closed and opened his eyes. "My brother was there in my mother's bedroom and they were alone because my father was away...and...and my brother was attacking her, hacking at my mother, with a machette. A big knife. A machete. (I am stopping here for it gets bloody.)
Labels: basgue, cabots, genetics, jewish genocide, Marks of Cain, Naxis, Thriller novel
I moved to the center of the hallway and stood still, arms outstretched, trying to discern what in the world - or beyond this world - we were dealing with.The mystery element is multi-faceted between the other-worldly and the physical world. It kept my interest but the reader does seem to be ahead of Lily. You know it is about the recently opened closet room before she gets it etc. The resolution to the story held no surprises but was handled well. Probably the most surprising twist in the story is the police detective coming to talk to Lily about the ghostly happenings and asking for help. The ending promises more on that front.
The breath became a low moan, bouncing off the corridor walls, growing in intensity, surging and swirling until it felt as though it were inside my head. The walls began to seethe with the sound, swelling and waning as though they were made of pliable membrane rather than stucco and stone. Everything vibrated with sensations of anger, despair, and fierce jealousy.
"This is crazy!" Kevin sprang to his feet. "Let's go!"
He grabbed Maya's hand and yanked her down the hall, Ginny close on their heals.
"Run, Lily!" Ginny yelled. "Come on!"
The moaning became a roar, filling the hallway until it screamed like a runaway freight train. And just as suddenly it stopped.
I opened my eyes, turned tail, and ran.
I may be a witch, but I'm no fool.
A warm welcome to each and every guest, grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage and join me. This is a blog for mystery, suspense, and thriller lovers.
Monday's: musings on the mystery genre, some author interviews, book giveaways, blog tours, mystery related games or trivia, even an occasional mystery/thriller movie review depending on what I scare up.
Thursday's: Book review.