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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Announcement: Join My Writing Class

I am teaching a class on pre-planning your novel.  For those who aren't an outline plot person but want a little structure to maneuver within.  

Check it out and join me!!!  
Prices $30- $40

This is a different approach rather than plotting. It is based on a combination of story and character arcs and 8 plot points with key scenes all novels will benefit from having. 

This method provides built-in aspects of pacing to keep from the dreaded sagging middle and some character development scenes in the process of loosely planning your novel. 

This process is a hybrid between full plotting and "pantsing" that gives a modicum of a road map with complete flexibility to adjust on the fly.  It works for all genres and can be employed at any time in your writing process.

Start date:  Sep 28, 2020 at 6:00 AM
End date:  Oct 25, 2020 at 5:00 AM
Registration end: date Sep 30, 2020

Week 1: Introduction of story arc, 8 plot points, and exercise
Week 2: Deep Dive of 8 plot points and exercise
Week 3: Introduction of character arc, key scenes, and exercise
Week 4: Deep Dive of key scenes and summary review.

I am looking forward to seeing you in class!!!

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