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Friday, February 17, 2023

Review - An American in Scotland

 I love finding a new series when the first book is released and I've discovered this one at the beginning of its journey.  I also love books set in England/Ireland/Scottland since that is my ancestry.  So this new series by a new author is right up my alley, in my wheel-house, etc.  Join me on a trip to a small Scottish town where murder welcomes the new doctor within hours of her arrival.

Author: Lucy Connelly

Copyright: April 2023 (Crooked Lane) 304 pgs

Series: 1st in Scottish Isle Mysteries

Sensuality: n/a

Mystery Sub-genre: Cozy mystery, amateur sleuth

Main Character: Dr. Emilia McRoy, new American Dr & Coroner in town

Setting: Contemporary, Sea Isle-Scotland

Obtained Through: Publisher for honest review

Book Blurb:  "Sea Isle was supposed to be the fresh start Dr. Emilia McRoy dreamed of.  Far from the busy emergency room across the Atlantic in Seattle, she hoped to settle down and begin this new chapter as a small-town doctor to the quirky residents who immediately welcomed her.  When she stumbles across a dead body, she starts to think that she may not be as Scot free of the drama and intrigue as she initially thought.

Emilia soon learns she has bigger issues at hand. It starts with realizing she'll work closely with the less than helpful local constable, Laird Ewan Campbell.  Her luck continues when she discovers that part of her new responsibilities includes being the coroner for the very body she found.  Finally, when the body goes missing before she can even begin the autopsy, Emilia must convince the townspeople that a crime did, in fact, occur.  The deeper she digs into the picturesque town, the more suspicious she becomes.  And then there are her sleep issues.  It may be due to the ever-growing list of suspects, a number of threatening letters, or the surprise visitor who breaks into her house at night.  But she’s never backed down before, and she doesn’t intend to start now.

Someone doesn’t want this doctor to treat the ailments of Sea Isle, but Emilia McRoy is determined to find the murderer before they kilt again."

My thoughts:  Dr. Emilia McRoy is a well written character, she acts like a smart doctor which I really appreciate.  We've all read stories where the heroine is supposed to be smart, but sure doesn't act that way. I enjoyed how she and Laird Ewan Campbell, the head honcho of the land in Irish tradition, butt heads at first. I felt that was realistic with her being an emergency room doctor/surgeon and used to being revered in her circles.  The townspeople soon become the family she didn't know she needed and that makes this new series special.  Abigail and her autistic brother Tommy are gems and the pub owner, Mara, becomes fast friends with Emilia.  

The murder mystery is well thought out and a nice puzzle, particularly since everybody in town is new to Emilia.  The sense of a lurking threat is palpable and the suspense is high with somebody getting into her Doctor's office in the  repurposed church where she also lives. 

The Scottish sea-side landscape is vividly portrayed.  I've always wanted to visit, more now than ever. Emilia meets town's people as she employs her emergency room skills with farm accidents to delivering babies.

This new series is a perfect combination of developed, realistic characters and good plotting with a steady pace.  I have many series I follow, but this just shot up to the top of my list of must reads.  It will be hard to wait for the next in this series to release.  I can't recommend this new cozy mystery series highly enough, I think you will enjoy this too.

Rating:  Near Perfect - Buy two copies: one for you and one for a friend. 

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NoraA said...

I own the first book and have read the 2nd one. The characters are truly fun to read.

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